Wednesday, January 25, 2012


These are the 4 blocks so far, i like how it's turning out. When Jeff took me to joann's i picked up the material for 2 more. I ran out of the background material and i want them to be nice for the grandbabies. This is good for practice, I need all of that i can get.

This is how far I have gotten on my socks. I love the colors and can't wait until i get them done but they are slow going with the small needles but so worth it! Nothing beats the feel of handknit socks on cold wood floors.

I made fleece blankets and socks for all the grandkids and i had lots of scraps left over. I've looked at the pile for weeks trying to decide if i should throw them out, or make something. I finally decided to just sew the odds and ends together for blankets for the dogs. They like to sleep on the couch--Cinder sheds horribly and Tessa is always shivering and both like to head over to the shop with jeff or both of us when i head over. They had a bed over there and toys and i thought a blanket over they would be good so i made these 2 and only had tiny bits to put in the trash. It made me feel pretty good to use those scraps and get them cleared off my cutting table!

And here is Tess all cuddled up.

One last thing, I started a new project, a round ripple in black and pink. As much as i have crocheted over lots of years, i have never made a ripple. i lose track of the increases and decreases. This is a really different pattern and i just love it.

Well, i made it all the way to row 7 before i got completely confused.

I am so lucky to have friends who know way more than i do and offered to help me keep going. So a HUGE thank you goes to my good friend, suzi. I couldn't do it without you.

I'll have a picture of that next time

thanks for stopping be and taking the time to read my random thoughts

I'd love to hear from you too



Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Winter storm

Wednesday morning we woke up to snow coming down fast and furious!!! it didn't stop for more than an hour or two until sat and we ended up with almost 20 inches. it was cold,gray, dreary and depressing! Poor Jeff shoveled everyday and traded the company truck for our 4 whd pickup.Good thing too, because our country road(dirt,gravel and windy around the river) won't see a snow plow for weeks. here's a couple of pictures. it finally cleared up Monday and i told Jeff if i didn't get to Joann's and touch some material i was going to go nuts! so he took me and one other store and we got gas and came on home. it snowed a little today and then turned into freezing rain. i hope the storm moves on soon. Enough is enough already

haha, i hope your weather has been better than mine

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tessa and progress on the doll quilt

Here is a picture of tess, she is our little sweetheart. she doesn't like snow one bit and we have a series of storms headed our way over the next week. Poor baby, good thing mom keeps her supplied in little sweaters!

I did finish cutting out the doll quilt and got a few pieces sewn together. i took this picture saturday and i did get more done today. I haven't been up to doing any FM on the nascar crib quilt this week but hope i can get caught up on the doll quilt before wednesday and get back to it

well, good night everyone and have a great day tomorrow. i want to tell you about a couple of special friends i've met online

drop me a line and let me know what you think
Socks and dogs part 1

Sadly it hasn't been a week for many accomplishments or too much crafting time. but it seems like i was busy busy busy. i did finish this pair of socks i started before christmas and they fit perfectly. i LOVE handknit socks and never seem to have enough to match every outfit. i have started another pair in RH heart and sole in the color "faded jeans". if i can't match my top i can match my pants! ha!

Here is the newest addition to our family, cinder is a chihuahua mix. we were hoping she was going to be small like tess out full blood chihuahua. tessa is 3 years and 4 pounds. very tiny petite and calm. cinder is 5 months, 10 pounds and a ball of fire,Tasmanian devil, whirlwind, and energizer bunny rolled into one!

Monday, January 9, 2012

well i have been busy with my quilt. it's pinned, basted and i have been practicing little "sandwiches" and learning free motion. i need many many years of practice i think but i'm working on the quilt now-a little everyday. i can only sit so long and my back hollers for a break.

Tomorrow i will be cutting the pieces to make a doll quilt. well i am planning to make 2 for the 2 youngest granddaughters. they are 2 years 2 months and 22 months. you can see the doll quilt here,
a few months ago i did one of cindy's mystery and i LOVE the top. i picked great colors and the pattern was just so great! i will get it finished soon. she has such great things on her blog. take a look, you won't be disappointed.

and another friend just worked out the details for a Stay at home robin. It's a neat idea--basically a round robin but you do every step yourself. no way it can get lost in the mail! haha. Each month she will give us the next step to complete and at the end of the year we will all have a lap sized quilt. each one will be different and unique. i haven't decided on what center i will start with yet, i'm still thinking about that but will have to decide soon. If you want to check it out, you can read all about it here You are all welcome to join in on the fun.

On a non-quilting note, my dh, Jeff almost has my workbench completed!!!! YEAH JEFF!!!!!!!! my first project is to refurbish an antique japanese made sewing machine and cabinet. it's all in pieces and needs a lot of work but i am anxious to get it started. It was given to me a few months ago by jeff's boss who found it in an outbuilding, and was left by a previous owner.

wow! all of a sudden i have a lot of projects to get busy on

have a great day/evening
and thanks for stopping by and reading for a bit

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

this is my first quilt to ever gotten far enough along to have borders! and it is now all pinned and ready to baste tomorrow. i did this quilt for the NYE mystery by ann smith from quilttalk and beginners and beyond, the two quilting groups i belong to. ann did a great job and i had so much fun with all the great ladies who sewed all day!!!

i chose nascar colors as this is a gift for a little girl next door. her parents are the biggest fans and have decorated the nursery in nascar haha. it is too cute. this adorable bundle will be arriving the end of april to very nervous first time parents.

good night and thanks for reading! please leave a comment or note and say hi. i'd love to hear about your quilting adventure



Good morning everyone,

Today i just want to tell you about my New Year's Resolution--This is it! HA! To start a blog/journal of my year of learning to quilt, and my knitting, sewing, crocheting projects etc.

I've wanted to quilt for at least forever and finally have the time so i started a few months ago. i have 3 completed tops, 1 with borders and another one cut out. it seems i learn a lot from every one i make but it's a slow process!

So i thought it might be fun to follow my journey and look back a year from now and see how I'm doing. I don't expect to turn out wonderful, perfect quilts by any means but i hope to make some pretty ones along the way.

i will be posting lots of pictures of all the projects I'm working on so you won't just have to read my boring meanderings. So let's get started!