Friday, February 3, 2012

where does the time go?

i swear the days fly by and nothing gets done!! i have been under the weather for the last week or so but i'm feeling much better now. so let's see how much i can remember about what has been going on around here.

first off, i managed to break the tension dial on my vintage singer and was just heartsick. it fell off the machine and while trying to get it to stay back on i wrapped the metal spring around another piece of metal and while trying to put it back where it should be, i somehow messed it up and now the tension dial won't work at all and thread won't pull thru. argh!!! BUT i mentioned it on the vintagesinger group and someone found one for me and for CHEAP!!! it should be here in a few days and now i am so HAPPY!!!!

i started with that because the rest of my projects revolve around that machine. on my new machine i have had the nascar quilt that i FINALLY finished doing the quilting on( only the binding left and it will be done)so i couldn't sew anything else so i am behind on two projects. but i will be working on those this weekend since my machine is free now

i had 30 rows done on the round ripple i started--remember i had talk about that last week--not ever doing a ripple before--and i had started sewing the granny squares in and it started looking like a sombrero so i will start re-doing that this weekend in the evenings also. i read and read and re-read the instructions--which certainly could have been written better--and figured out what went wrong.
i will have pictures of different things next time i write
thanks for reading and i would love to hear how your projects are going


  1. Great on finding another Vintage Singer! :)

  2. oh gosh i would love to fing another vintage singer but not this time, she found me the part i had broken

  3. Ohh! That is still great :)
